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Are you passionate about working outdoors and interested in the management of trees, vegetation & forest ecosystems? The Forest and Natural Areas Management (FNAM) program is an accredited two-year diploma program with a focus on forestry, vegetation management and arboriculture for supporting sustainable community development in both rural and urban environments.
The program gives you a strong foundation in ecology, earth sciences, mapping, surveying & measurements. You will learn skills and training in silviculture, forest inventory, forest engineering, fire & forest health management, and urban forestry. Our programs unique focus on natural areas in urban & interface environments provide you with skills in the management of trees, invasive species & soil resources. The breadth of technical and field-based skills you acquire also relevant to many other natural resource sectors.
The FNAM program is accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC) and also contains the curriculum for graduates to be eligible to apply for Registered Forest Technologist (RFT) status in British Columbia along with the potential pathways for other levels of certification and education.
Join us online via Zoom on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 11:00 pm. Learn more about the program, and get your questions answered by the FNAM faculty. For more information, visit the program page or contact Steve Finn, FNAM Program Head.
We look forward to seeing you online!