Vancouver Community College
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Who We Are
Located in the heart of the city, Vancouver Community College (VCC) offers academic, cultural, and social environments that inspire relevant real-world training. Our on campus facilities – including gourmet restaurants, an auto shop, and salon and spa – allow students to hone their skills and training while providing high-quality lower-cost services to the Downtown and East Vancouver communities.
VCC is proud to inspire a new generation of students to discover their passions, gain essential skills, and learn what it takes to succeed in a competitive workforce. With over 15,000 students, including a growing number of Aboriginal and International learners, 1,100 employees and an annual budget of $105 million, VCC is a key player in the post-secondary landscape in B.C. Our connections to industry ensure that our students have direct access to employers while our model of access and our partnerships across the post-secondary sector assist students to reach their goals at any stage of their educational journey.
General Info
Enrolment Total
Detailed Costs
Campus Locations
Broadway Campus
1155 East Broadway,
Vancouver, BC
250 West Pender Street,
Vancouver, BC
Broadway Campus
1155 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC
250 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC
Nearby Highlights
Located in the heart of the city, Vancouver Community College (VCC) offers academic, cultural, and social environments that inspire relevant real-world training. Our on campus facilities – including gourmet restaurants, an auto shop, and salon and spa – allow students to hone their skills and training while providing high-quality lower-cost services to the Downtown and East Vancouver communities.
Campus Tours
Info on All Programs
Basic Admissions Requirements
Admission requirements are program specific. All students must meet general college entrance requirements, including Grade 12 graduation or equivalent, and English 12 with a C+ grade or greater, or VCC 0981 and 0991 with a C+ grade or greater or successful completion of VCC 098 and 099 with a C+ grade or greater in writing 0995.
English Proficiency Requirements
For students who do not have English 12 with a C+ grade, recognized equivalencies include VCC English 1101 or 1100 or equivalent; LPI test written within last two years, with a 4 score overall, 5 score minimum in English usage and a minimum score of 26 in composition.
Application Fee
A non-refundable fee of $35 to apply for admission.
How to Apply
Applying is easy – you can apply online or complete an application form and submit it in person at the Registrar’s Office at the Broadway or Downtown campuses.
Admissions Contact Phone
Financial Aid
Entrance Scholarships Info
Other Scholarship Info
Student Loan Info
Financial Aid Contact Email
Financial Aid Contact Phone
Accessibility Supports & Services
Accessibility Supports & Services Info
Access means more than getting through the door.
We take access seriously and are committed to making VCC accessible to students with disabilities. Some VCC students with disabilities study in specialized programs, while others are enrolled in regular programs.
In addition to course and program planning assistance, orientation to the college, and ongoing learning assistance, VCC provides specialized services on an individual basis. Disability services can provide support such as exam accommodation, job search assistance and community resource referrals.
Access to equipment and Braille or taped class material is available, as well as interpreting services for classes, events, and study situations.
More Accessibility Info
Indigenous Student Supports & Services
Indigenous Student Supports & Services Info
VCC’s journey towards decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation is rooted in a thoughtful understanding of history, alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action (open in new tab) (PDF file open in new tab) and the United Nation Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (open in new tab) (UNDRIP), an acknowledgement of past and persisting racism, and a commitment to improve educational and career outcomes for Indigenous people.
More Indigenous Student Info
International Students
English Language Requirement
For students who do not have English 12 with a C+ grade, recognized equivalencies include VCC English 1101 or 1100 or equivalent; LPI test written within last two years, with a 4 score overall, 5 score minimum in English usage and a minimum score of 26 in composition. Other options include the VCC English Language Assessment (ELA) written within the last 12 months, the Langara English Test (LET) written within last two years, IELTS written within the last 12 months, or TOEFL written within the last 12 months. Minimum test scores required are on the website.