Event By
Date and Time

Tue June 7, 2022 from 5:15pm to 8:00pm


Okanagan College - Penticton Campus
583 Duncan Ave. West
Penticton, BC

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September is quickly approaching, and if you have applied to the Penticton campus, we are inviting you to register and attend our Jump Start session in room PC 219.

Jump Start has been designed to help students transition to college by showing you how to schedule and register for your September and January semester classes and to introduce you to key student services personnel on campus.

In this tutorial session you will learn:

  • how to find your registration time ticket
  • how to build your schedule using ClassFinder
  • how to register for your courses
  • how to get on and off a waitlist

If your program is not listed on the registration page, you are not required to attend an advising session because your schedule will be built for you. However, we are inviting you to come visit the campus and attend our services fair to learn about our student services, including staff from Financial Aid & Awards, Accessibility Services, Indigenous Services, Library Services, Counselling, the Success Centre, the Penticton Students’ Association Okanagan College, and Student, Graduate, and Co-op Employment.

Bring your parents and they can attend the parent session in room PC 204 and join in the services fair with any questions they may have as well.

Okanagan College - Penticton Campus

583 Duncan Ave. West
Penticton, BC