For Students
Connecting you with your best post-secondary opportunities.
Areas of Study
Choose an area of study for your Education Explorer report. You can update or change your report at any time.
Select up to three institutions for your Education Explorer report. You can update or change your report at any time.
Choose a credential for your Education Explorer report. You can update or change your report at any time.
We want to see the right students in the right places for the right reasons
What’s post-secondary education all about? Is it about choosing a specific career? Or is it about developing the skills you need to become successful in any number of different jobs and careers?
The truth is that post-secondary can be about all of the above and more. And you definitely don’t need to have all of the answers right away. In fact, it’s ok to change your mind about what you want to get out of your post-secondary experience along the way.
The key is to give yourself as many options as possible in the future. Choose the post-secondary opportunities that fit your skills and interests. Open up more doors in your future. The more you know about the different opportunities out there, the more likely you are to find that right fit.

Downloads for Students
These resources provide an in-depth look at some of the big ideas you need to know about. Read them, share them and talk about them to help guide your decision making about post-secondary education.
BC Scholarship Information for Students
Are you starting post-secondary studies next fall? There are over 13,000 scholarships available to BC students to help with tuition fees. That means more money for books, supplies and housing costs. Scholarships range in value from $1250-5000 and some deadlines are approaching soon. gov.bc.ca/provincialscholarshipsprogram
DownloadA Parent's Guide to Post-Secondary in BC
This is a pdf. version of a PowerPoint presentation that gives students and parents a basic understanding of the most important aspects of our post-secondary system in BC.
DownloadThe 10 C's of Soft/Transferable Skills
Learn why soft skills are so important in post-secondary education and in life.
DownloadHS Transcripts: The XML Transcripts Process
Information and instructions for students on how to manage their high school transcripts in the XML Transcripts process. Students must register for a BC Government account, a BCeID before accessing the StudentTranscripts Service.
DownloadHigh School Graduation Requirement Changes
A summary of changes to BC high school grad requirements and curriculum.
DownloadThe WorkBC Parents' Guide
A pdf. publication from WorkBC designed for parents, educators and career counsellors. The 2018 WorkBC Parents' Guide is full of practical ideas, exercises and resources to help parents and others talk with youth as they explore career and educational pathways.
DownloadExplore Your Post-Secondary Options
Use our Education Explorer tool to find the right fit for you. Browse areas of study to explore what you might learn. Get the details on different institutions in BC. Learn about different types of credentials and where they lead.