For Counsellors
Real-time, comprehensive, and non-biased information about top public post-secondary institutions in BC.
Get the info you need all in one place.
SLIDES From the Update are available to Download from the Downloadable Resources below – scroll down.
Just like you, we want to connect students with the information they need to plan their best post-secondary education opportunities. By representing the top public post-secondary institutions in BC, we act as a central source of up-to-date and unbiased information for high school counsellors. We facilitate school visits and community events and connect with counsellors like you across the province.
Our membership base is large and doesn’t include private for-profit institutions, so you can rest assured that our resources and information will put students first. Consider us a partner in your work helping students to make excellent post-secondary choices
Member Institution Events
College of the Rockies’ Open House
Member Institution Events
Camosun College – 2024 South Island Partnership Career Education Conference
Member Institution Events
Camosun College – Lansdowne Campus Tour
PSBC Fall 2024 High School Visits - If your school has a scheduled visit, the details are on the ChooseBC Planning Website.
High School Counsellors who work with Post-SecondaryBC Planners to organize their fall visit schedule can login to our ChooseBC planning website here.
Problems with your login? Contact us.
Fall Visit Program Downloads
Hosting a Post-Secondary BC visit at your school? Here are the resources you need; just download and you’re ready to go.
Files with individual door signs for each of the 29 PSBC Members. Counsellors can print only the pages they need for those members who are participating in the visit.
Counsellors - Just "delete" the information on institutions who are not attending your visit, add the visit time and date at the top, and then provide your students with a guide to those institutions who are coming to their school. Print, or share the electronic version that has links to all attending institutions. Counsellors & Career Centres are also encouraged to post the complete document on their website for students and parents.
DownloadVISIT SLIDE - For In-House Video and Websites
Put the date and time information for the PSBC visit in this PowerPoint slide, and then use it for in-house video monitors, website and emails to students and parents.
Fill in whatever information you might want to promote the PSBC visit, or any other post-secondary events you might be holding for students and parents at your school.
Print this poster for your Counselling Office or Career Centre to remind students of the URL for the PSBC website.
DownloadPre-Visit HANDOUT - Questions to Ask a Recruiter
Help students prepare for the PSBC visit with this handout. Print or send electronically, and also post on school website. Students can also download this from the 'Student' page on this website.
DownloadPre-Visit HANDOUT - 10 Things Students Need to Know
Help students prepare for the PSBC visit with this handout. Print or send electronically, and also post on school website. Students can also download this from the 'Student' page on this website
DownloadDownloadable Resources
PSBC Counsellors Update - SEPT 24, 2024 - Update Slides
Complete sets of slides from member institutions with their update notes.
DownloadPSBC Admission Deadlines for Fall 2024 (Including Nursing)
Updated information on program application deadlines, including NURSING, plus deadlines for submitting online course marks.
DownloadHS Transcripts: The XML Transcripts Process
A 'How To' document for students unfamiliar with the process
DownloadTranscripts, STS & Assessments: UPDATED as of May 2023
UPDATED Information on member institution requirements for STS and Assessments.
DownloadThe 10 C's of Soft/Transferable Skills
Learn why soft skills are so important in post-secondary education and in life.
DownloadThe WorkBC Parents' Guide
A pdf. publication from WorkBC designed for parents, educators and career counsellors. The 2018 WorkBC Parents' Guide is full of practical ideas, exercises and resources to help parents and others talk with youth as they explore career and educational pathways.
DownloadStay Informed
Receive regular updates from PostSecondaryBC about new developments. Hear about new programs and degrees, changes in admissions criteria and news about upcoming events. You can unsubscribe at any time.